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Who is this Canis Latrans guy?

Canis Latrans is the pen name for Curtis Wilbur. It was used in writing the original Coyoteman Chronicles, but not currently in use for the Inferno Earth tales.

What's this obsession with Post-Apocalyptic stories?

What's going on here is that everyone knows big changes are afoot. As with many other authors, imagining what this new situation might look like is particularly fascinating, and actually offers some hope for humanity in extreme times. We can't just let everyone boil under Venusian conditions and call it a day, can we?

Why are new author's books so expensive?

Since we are just getting started, new authors are mostly at the mercy of print-on-demand publishers, who don't care about selling books to the public. They mostly get money from the authors. Their basic print costs are quite high, but the authors get a decent deal in most cases. Which leads me to the next question...

How can I get autographed copies of these books?

Contact me directly. Once payment is arranged through Paypal, I will buy the books, autograph them, and mail them directly to you. It's easy enough, and it will be less expensive than any of the mainstream book-purchasing channels. Email me to get things started at

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